
Chapter 72 / Surprise!

Two Hunters smashed the bricked-up doorway with sledgehammers. They had the whole thing busted open in no time. I craned my neck around the guards. I had to get a look. I had to see what I’d come to see.


Beyond the brick-cluttered doorway was just a small room crammed with ducts and pipes. The leader, the one the rest of the Hunters called “sir,” stepped into the room and stood there looking at the ceiling. I couldn’t tell if he looked disappointed or if it was just me. He sure wasn’t surprised. He was slow and cool and just took it all in. The other Hunters were losing interest, but the leader walked over to a big machine that was connected to the pipes; a furnace, I think. He put his foot on the machine and shoved.

The machine moved. It wasn’t really connected to the wall.

The leader glanced at his men and they picked up their sledgehammers again. They bashed at the wooden walls and tore them to splinters. Behind one of the bare wooden walls, they revealed a brick wall painted white. In the center of the white brick wall was a silvery metal door. Painted on the door in perfect lettering were the words “Contagious Materials Containment Vault.”

The leader looked surprised this time. And then his surprise started to look a lot like fear.

Next to the door was a keypad with a flashing red light. The word “decontamination” glowed above the key pad. And the red light flashed faster.

72 girl, kid, stanford