
Chapter 5 / Vengement

The circle with a “v” and a little “x.” It was on the side of the next house. Danny said we’re not allowed to go in that one. There weren’t that many houses or stores left in the neighborhood that we hadn’t scavenged, but he still said no. He must have seen that I was getting tired and hungry because we found a place in the brush to hide and he gave me the rest of his granola bar. He told me it was a symbol – a sign for other people. He called it a vengement. It meant the people in that place were marked for destruction because of something they did. Or something they wouldn’t do. The sun was going down and it was cold and I could see that Danny was sad. He said he just felt bad that he couldn’t protect me better. I knew he meant it. But I also knew something else that he didn’t think I knew. I had seen the vengement on Grammie and Pop’s house, too.

5 kid