
Chapter 47 / Who Else Knows

0600 I led a recon team to the forward position along Camp Cypress perimeter road where Slater had reported being fired upon. Slater was on point and confirmed the location. I gave orders to breach the low barrier and enter Camp Cypress property. If he realized then that I hadn’t brought him out on a recon mission, he didn’t say. Three hundred meters in, we came to the fence. Haines heard the buzzing first – the sickening reminder from bugs and moisture coming into contact – and immediately his eyes went wide. It took Slater, Koch and Ramirez another ten seconds to put it together. I tossed Haines the gear and ordered him to disable the fence. Slater kept saying, “Where is this coming from? Where is this coming from?” Haines and Koch used the insulated cutters and severed the wires. Ramirez confirmed that the fence was down at least ten meters to either side of the breach. The entire job was done in less than five minutes. Took near about that long before Slater asked, “Who else knows about this?” Less time yet still, and I was able to answer, “No one but me.”

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